
To consider.
- Go through the user

- Introduction maybe in the

- Add more direction (but creative)

Exercise Finding urgency:

q: Is finding a new tool to create print or several platforms of publishing something urgent on it’s own?

Does the urgency means “we have to do something quick before print dies and everybody uses digital publications?”

What does this mean to me as a designer👨‍🎨, will this influence my future and how?

-here and now? Exploration in publishing institute of network cultures
“What urgent publishing can mean, is the focus of the chapter to come.
Speed but also relevant
Speed, quality and positioning”

Experimental Publishing Informed By Digital Technology

I find this very interesting. Exploring and experimenting to find new ways of publishing through out new tools can give very interesting results.
For instance Tracking letters by John Caserta.
‘Tracking Letters_ is made with a software application that records the timing of keyboard entry. Its primary use is as an email entry program. Using the software, I tracked a week’s worth of my own emails, collecting them into this 168-page book.”

Because of such experiments I better understand what urgent means, urgency can mean feeling the need to explore new tools to create publications.

* How do others understand the notion of ‘Urgency‘ or Hybrid Publishing?  
* How is this different in different (design) fields? 
* How does it relate to speed, quality & positioning? (which public, ways of reading etc.)
* How do you understand Urgency and Hybrid Publishing? 

1 - When one take a look at the future the person can overal agree with the fluctuation of many different outcomes. A lot can change and a lot can disappear. Finding new ways of publishing is urgent on its own. And so the topics in the publications can be urgent as well considering answer 3.

2 - one of the main reasons according to observations from an ego perspective lies in the experimental side. But even more dominant is the fact that it is not just a publication standing on its own medium. The publication manifests it self in many different media varying from print to web page to e-reader to instagram post. It is easier to understand that this is different than other design fields, it might be harder to think of how this can be the same in other design fields.

3 - The tools mostly seemed to want to preserve a status quo. Best practices however – whether publications, formats, publishing strategies, workflows, or activities – show what else may be possible.

4 - From the first day it already (like most subjects) felt very broad a bit vage. It is like everybody kinda understands it a bit different than everyone else, lovely.
Hyper publishing is pretty straight forward, in modern time graphic design people are more focussed on different media to publish one thing at, like I said in answer 2. If designer X feels the need to publish fast as much as possible with quality at the right moment than it must be urgent is was I learned so far day three from the book “here and now? Exploration in publishing institute of network cultures”.

Data is urgent
Rethink aesthetic / research new aesthetic

Classmate meta questions:

How can paper and digital co-exist in the future?
How does the relationship change?
What is post-truth?

What is oral culture
What is the relationship between print and oral
Design tools / mutation of print
Wesley Harmse
First ebook idea sketch “A vision of the book reader of the future (from Everyday Science and Mechanics magazine)

by Nick Sheridon. The first electronic paper, called Gyricon
Michael hart - (during the night of the Fourth of July, 1971)
retype on a Teletype machine the text from a copy of the U.S. Declaration of Independence which he had been given at a grocery store.
(Late) 1990s
new technology was announced which was supposed to eventually replace paper: ‘electronic paper’ or ‘e-paper’, a display consisting not of illuminated pixels, but of electrically charged micro-spheres (or pixels without light) that can be made to turn either black or white according to the polarity of the charge.
developed at Xerox Corp.’s Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)
2008 / 2009
Sony, Amazon, Barnes & Noble announced and/or launched its own model featuring its own appealing characteristics: a miniature keyboard, a double screen to resemble an open book or magazine
loan system
The student loan system - STUDENT DEBT

entered 1 sep 2015. The student loan system is a system where students who cannot effort nor their parents to finance their college years. For out siders it’s like a 45.000 euro scholarship BUT you have to pay it back in 35 years. This financial funding used to be a gift before 2015, unless a student did not graduate (which I believe is a very good motivation to graduate).

The reason because of this says … is so the schools receive the money over the years students payback. Providing great developments in the education system providing better classes more tools and better information such as books etc.

But there is something rather her strange about this system because in 2017 they added taxes over the 35 years, although they are relatively low this can change drastically in the future for when there is for instance an other economical depression.

The students who started their study in 2015 and later up to decades will not profit from this system AT ALL?!
generation z
mental health
week 1
week 2
week 3
Design questions